HUTECH faculty and staff are ready to accompany the 2020 High School Graduation Exam

On July 18, the faculty and staff of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) took part in a training session for officers who will be participating in the supervision of the upcoming 2020 High School Graduation Exam.

Due to the adjustment to the study period in this past academic year and updates to the exam regulations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, only male faculty and staff that are leaders of departments and faculties will take part in this year’s exam supervision tasks.

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HUTECH will coordinate with Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy in carrying out the supervision of the High School Graduation Exam in An Giang province

The training session had the presence of Dr. Bui Van The Vinh - Vice President of HUTECH, and heads of several faculties and departments.

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Dr. Bui Van The Vinh makes note of several updated regulations to the group

Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Thao disseminated new points in this year’s exam regulations concerning the supervision and organization of the exam. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Du - Head of the Inspection Committee also provided the overview on the inspection and supervision tasks to ensure that the highest integrity of the exam according to regulations.

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Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Thao disseminates new points concerning the regulations and procedures in the organization of the 2020 High School Graduation Exam

Dr. Bui Van The Vinh shared his views and spirit of HUTECH when taking on the task and determining to fulfill the national obligation to ensure a successful exam.

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HUTECH faculty and staff are ready to take on the responsibility to fulfill their national obligations, contributing to the implementation and assurance of a serious, effective, and quality exam.

There is a high expectation that HUTECH faculty and staff will complete their assigned tasks to the highest standard contributing to the overall success of a serious, effective, and quality exam.

By Office of External and Public Relations
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