HUTECH English Faculty Students Learn "Secrets" to Choosing a Major

On March 22, the English Faculty of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) held a major orientation session for third-year students. The event attracted significant student interest.
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HUTECH English Faculty Holds Major Orientation for Third-Year Students

Attending the event were:

- Dr. Lê Văn Tuyên - Deputy Head of the English Faculty

- Dr. Trần Quốc Thao - Deputy Head, Head of the English Teaching Methods Department

- MSc. Võ Quốc Đại - Deputy Head, Head of the Business English Department

- MSc. Dương Bá Thanh Di - Head of the Translation and Interpreting and Anglo-American Culture and Literature Department

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Faculty Members Attend the Major Orientation Session

Dr. Lê Văn Tuyên shared: "From now on, you need to clearly define your career goals to choose the right major and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to meet societal needs. Today's event is an opportunity for you to orient yourselves and access essential information."

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Dr. Lê Văn Tuyên Discusses the Importance of Major Orientation


To help students understand their majors better, faculty members presented three main majors of the English Faculty: Business English, Translation and Interpretation, and English Teaching. They also addressed queries regarding the curriculum, certifications, and career applications for each major. Faced with important choices, students boldly asked questions to resolve their concerns and expressed their aspirations to join their desired majors

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 Faculty Members Present the Three Majors and Graduation Requirements
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Students Confidently Ask Questions About the Curriculum and Job Opportunities of Each Major

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The Orientation Session Helps Students "Pocket" Many "Secrets" to Achieve Their Dream Majors

The program concluded with the dedicated guidance of the faculty, equipping HUTECH English Faculty students with many valuable "secrets" to not miss out on their dream majors.

Report: Thanh Trúc
Photos: Công Định
