Students of HUTECH Institute of International Education learn "Communication strategy in the 4.0 era" with the CEO speaker

Following the series of "CEO Sharing" programs organized by Institute of International Education, students of the Institute of International Education of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) had the opportunity to listen to the sharing as well as the learn about marketing in the digital age at the workshop "CEO Sharing - Communication strategy in the 4.0 era"

Students of HUTECH Institute of International Education learn "Communication strategy in the 4.0 era" with the CEO speaker 12
Ms. Pham Hoang Minh Khanh introduced herself at the beginning of the program

With many years of experience, Ms. Pham Hoang Minh Khanh shared knowledge related to marketing in the digital age as well as specialized terms with enthusiasm and understanding for the students. In addition, the speaker also provided students with useful tips when using marketing tools effectively.

Students of HUTECH Institute of International Education learn "Communication strategy in the 4.0 era" with the CEO speaker 22

Ms. Pham Hoang Minh Khanh shared her valuable knowledge and experience in marketing

News: Thu Hang 

Photos: Media Team
Office of External and Public Relation
Translator: Biah Ra, Sam Attwood
