1 | Nam TT “Collapse Scenario of a Tested Steel Moment Frame on the Shaking Table” | 2022/9 | ICSCEA 2021, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.268, pp.759-766, 2021 |
2 | Nam TT “Seismic torsional behavior of a tested full-scale steel building” | 2022/9 | Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.2(2), pp.48-51, 2022 |
3 | Nam TT “Analysis of a cantilever column subjected to cyclic loading” | 2021/11 | Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.1(2), pp.38-39, 2021 |
4 | Nam TT “Effect of Torsional Eccentricity on Twisting Behavior of a Steel Building Tested on Shaking-Table” | 2021/10 | CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.203, pp.177-185, 2021 |
5 | Nam TT “Analysis of Steel Columns Deteriorated Two-Directionally During Seismic Loading” | 2021/6 | SHM&ES 2020, Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures: Select Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.148, pp.551-556, 2020 |
6 | Nam TT “Study on seismic behavior of steel beam-to-column panel zones” | 2021/3 | Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.1(1), pp.13-15, 2021 |
7 | Nam TT “Analysis of Two-Directional Seismic Deterioration of Steel Box Columns” | 2019/11 | CIGOS 2019, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure, Lecture Notes in Civil Engi-neering Vol.54, pp.149-154, 2019 |
8 | Nam TT “Study on Two-Directional Seismic Deterio-ration of Tested Steel Columns” | 2019/10 | ICSCEA 2019, Proceedings of the Interna-tional Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.80, pp.367-374, 2019 |
9 | Nam TT “Non-linear Behavior Rule for Steel Column Base Connection” | 2019/7 | Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2019 |
10 | Nam TT “Simulation for Two-Directional Deterio-ration of Steel Columns Subjected to Seismic Loading” | 2018/11 | Proceedings of the 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (7ACEE), Bangkok, Thailand 2018 |
11 | Nam TT “Seismic Collapse of a Tested Steel Building due to Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” | 2018/10 | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards (PSH18), Hanoi, Vietnam |
12 | Nam TT, Xuong NTM. “Phân tích ứng xử phi tuyến của liên kết chân cột trong thí nghiệm rung lắc khung thép 4 tầng tỉ lệ thực” | 2018/7 | Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2018 |
13 | Nam TT, Hai PT. “Đặc trưng hình học của dầm thép liên hợp trong thí nghiệm rung lắc kết cấu thép 4 tầng tỉ lệ thực” | 2018/7 | Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2018 |
14 | Kasai K, Nam TT. “Analysis of Full-Scale Building Collapse Test Using Fiber Hinge Element Considering Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” | 2017/1 | Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile |
15 | Kasai K, Nam TT, Maison BF. “Structural Collapse Correlative Analysis Using Phenomenological Fiber Hinge Elements to Simulate Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” | 2016/8 | Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.45(10), pp.1581-1601 |
16 | Nam TT, Kasai K, Ohtsuka T, Motoyui S. “Full-Scale Building Collapse Test and Analysis Considering Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” | 2016/3 | Journal of Structural Engineering, AIJ, Vol.62B, pp.411-424 |
17 | Kasai K, Nam TT. “Collapse Test of Full-Scale Building at Near-Fault Earthquake and Analysis Simulating Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” | 2015/11 | Proceedings of NCREE-International Workshop on Advanced Earthquake Engineering Testing & Simulation for Near-Fault Ground Motions, Taipei, Taiwan |
18 | Dave O, Nam TT, Kasai K. “Column Strength Deterioration in a Full-Scale Steel Building during Shaking-Table Experiment” | 2015/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2015), Kanagawa, Japan |
19 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Energy Input and Dissipation in a Full-Scale Steel Building during Shaking-Table Experiment” | 2015/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2015), Kanagawa, Japan |
20 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Behavior of Column Base in a Steel Building in Shaking-Table Experiment” | 2014/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2014), Kobe, Japan |
21 | Roshanak O, Kasai K, Nam TT, Ralph EH, Ertugrul T. “System Identification of the E-Defense Full-Scale Four Story Steel Test Structure Utilizing Shake Table Test Data” | 2014/8 | Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), Istanbul, Turkey |
22 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Column Behavior during Pre-Collapse and Collapse Time of a Steel Building in Shaking-Table Experiment” | 2013/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2013), Hokkaido, Japan |
23 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Column Behavior in a Full-Scale Steel Building Subjected to Strong Ground Motions on Shaking Table” | 2013/3 | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10CUEE), Tokyo, Japan |
24 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Evaluation of Composite Action in the Steel Building Subjected to Seismic Loading” | 2012/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2012), Nagoya, Japan |
25 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Composite Action in the Steel Building Subjected to Seismic Loading” | 2012/9 | Proceedings of the 2012 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan |
26 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Shaking-Table Experiment of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building” | 2012/9 | Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugal |
27 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experimen-ted to Collapse Using Strong Ground Motions” | 2011/9 | Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Disaster Simulation and Structural Safety in the Next Generation (DS'11), Kobe, Japan |
28 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Shake-Table Experimental Results Regarding Composite Action of a Full-Scale Steel Building Tested to Collapse” | 2012/3 | Proceedings of the Joint 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) and 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo, Japan |
29 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Behavior of Panel Zones in the Steel Building Experimented to Collapse Using Strong Ground Motions” | 2011/8 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2011), Tokyo, Japan |
30 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experimen-ted to Collapse by Strong Ground Motions” | 2011/3 | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE), Tokyo, Japan |
31 | Nam TT, Kasai K. “Analytical Simulation of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experi-mented to Collapse by Strong Ground Motions” | 2010/12 | Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (3ACEE), Bangkok. Thailand |
32 | Parisara T, Nam TT, Kasai K. “Fiber Approach in Analyzing Cantilever Column Behavior under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings” | 2010/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2010), Toyama, Japan |
33 | Nam TT, Kasai K, Parisara T. “Dynamic Collapse Analysis of a Full-Scale Multistory Steel Building Subjected to Strong Ground Motions” | 2010/9 | Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2010), Toyama, Japan |