Họ và tên: TRẦN TUẤN NAM
Năm sinh: 1984 
Học vị: Tiến sĩ
Năm, nước nhận học vị: 2016, Nhật Bản
Portal cá nhân: http://trantuannam.wordpress.com
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RZ0ynNIAAAAJ&hl=vi

Liên hệ: tt.nam@hutech.edu.vn


1. Đại học
Hệ đào tạo:    Chính quy
Nơi đào tạo:  Trường Đại học Kiến trúc TP HCM
Ngành học:    Xây dựng dân dụng & công nghiệp (kỹ sư)
Năm tốt nghiệp: 2007
2. Sau đại học
Thạc sĩ:          Chuyên ngành Kết cấu công trình             Năm cấp bằng: 2010
Nơi đào tạo: Tokyo Institute of Technology (Đại học Công nghệ Tokyo)
Tiến sĩ:           Chuyên ngành Kết cấu công trình             Năm cấp bằng: 2016
Nơi đào tạo: Tokyo Institute of Technology (Đại học Công nghệ Tokyo)
(Tên luận án TS: Evaluation of Experimental Full-Scale Steel Building Collapse Caused by Two-Directional Column Deteriorations)


  • Động lực học kết cấu
  • Ứng xử phi tuyến hình học và phi tuyến vật liệu của kết cấu thép
  • Động đất và kỹ thuật kháng chấn


TT Tên công trình Năm Tên tạp chí
1 Nam TT “Collapse Scenario of a Tested Steel Moment Frame on the Shaking Table” 2022/9 ICSCEA 2021, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.268, pp.759-766, 2021
2 Nam TT “Seismic torsional behavior of a tested full-scale steel building” 2022/9 Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.2(2), pp.48-51, 2022
3 Nam TT “Analysis of a cantilever column subjected to cyclic loading” 2021/11 Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.1(2), pp.38-39, 2021
4 Nam TT “Effect of Torsional Eccentricity on Twisting Behavior of a Steel Building Tested on Shaking-Table” 2021/10 CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.203, pp.177-185, 2021
5 Nam TT “Analysis of Steel Columns Deteriorated Two-Directionally During Seismic Loading” 2021/6 SHM&ES 2020, Structural Health Monitoring and Engineer­ing Structures: Select Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.148, pp.551-556, 2020
6 Nam TT “Study on seismic behavior of steel beam-to-column panel zones” 2021/3 Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN), Vol.1(1), pp.13-15, 2021
7 Nam TT “Analysis of Two-Directional Seismic Deterioration of Steel Box Columns” 2019/11 CIGOS 2019, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure, Lecture Notes in Civil Engi-neering Vol.54, pp.149-154, 2019
8 Nam TT “Study on Two-Directional Seismic Deterio-ration of Tested Steel Columns” 2019/10 ICSCEA 2019, Proceedings of the Interna-tional Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol.80, pp.367-374, 2019
9 Nam TT “Non-linear Behavior Rule for Steel Column Base Connection” 2019/7 Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2019
10 Nam TT “Simulation for Two-Directional Deterio-ration of Steel Columns Subjected to Seismic Loading” 2018/11 Proceedings of the 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (7ACEE), Bangkok, Thailand 2018
11 Nam TT “Seismic Collapse of a Tested Steel Building due to Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” 2018/10 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards (PSH18), Hanoi, Vietnam
12 Nam TT, Xuong NTM. “Phân tích ứng xử phi tuyến của liên kết chân cột trong thí nghiệm rung lắc khung thép 4 tầng tỉ lệ thực” 2018/7 Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2018
13 Nam TT, Hai PT. “Đặc trưng hình học của dầm thép liên hợp trong thí nghiệm rung lắc kết cấu thép 4 tầng tỉ lệ thực” 2018/7 Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ HUTECH 2018
14 Kasai K, Nam TT“Analysis of Full-Scale Building Collapse Test Using Fiber Hinge Element Considering Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” 2017/1 Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile
15 Kasai K, Nam TT, Maison BF. “Structural Collapse Correlative Analysis Using Phenomenologi­cal Fiber Hinge Elements to Simulate Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” 2016/8 Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.45(10), pp.1581-1601
16 Nam TT, Kasai K, Ohtsuka T, Motoyui S. “Full-Scale Building Collapse Test and Analysis Considering Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” 2016/3 Journal of Structural Engineering, AIJ, Vol.62B, pp.411-424
17 Kasai K, Nam TT“Collapse Test of Full-Scale Building at Near-Fault Earthquake and Analy­sis Simulating Two-Directional Column Deteriorations” 2015/11 Proceedings of NCREE-International Work­shop on Advanced Earthquake Engineering Testing & Simulation for Near-Fault Ground Motions, Taipei, Taiwan
18 Dave O, Nam TTKasai K. “Column Strength Deterioration in a Full-Scale Steel Building during Shaking-Table Experiment” 2015/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2015), Kanagawa, Japan
19 Nam TTKasai K. “Energy Input and Dissipation in a Full-Scale Steel Building during Shaking-Table Experiment” 2015/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2015), Kanagawa, Japan
20 Nam TTKasai K. “Behavior of Column Base in a Steel Building in Shaking-Table Experi­ment” 2014/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2014), Kobe, Japan
21 Roshanak O, Kasai K, Nam TT, Ralph EH, Ertugrul T. “System Identification of the E-Defense Full-Scale Four Story Steel Test Structure Utilizing Shake Table Test Data” 2014/8 Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), Istanbul, Turkey
22 Nam TTKasai K. “Column Behavior during Pre-Collapse and Collapse Time of a Steel Building in Shaking-Table Experiment” 2013/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2013), Hokkaido, Japan
23 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Column Behavior in a Full-Scale Steel Building Subjected to Strong Ground Motions on Shaking Table” 2013/3 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10CUEE), Tokyo, Japan
24 Nam TTKasai K. “Evaluation of Composite Action in the Steel Building Subjected to Seismic Loading” 2012/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2012), Nagoya, Japan
25 Nam TTKasai K. “Study on Composite Action in the Steel Building Subjected to Seismic Loading” 2012/9 Proceedings of the 2012 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
26 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Shaking-Table Experiment of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building” 2012/9 Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugal
27 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experimen-ted to Collapse Using Strong Ground Motions” 2011/9 Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Disaster Simulation and Structural Safety in the Next Generation (DS'11), Kobe, Japan
28 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Study on Shake-Table Experimental Results Regarding Composite Action of a Full-Scale Steel Building Tested to Collapse” 2012/3 Proceedings of the Joint 9th Inter­national Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) and 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo, Japan
29 Nam TTKasai K. “Behavior of Panel Zones in the Steel Building Experimented to Collapse Using Strong Ground Motions” 2011/8 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2011), Tokyo, Japan
30 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experimen-ted to Collapse by Strong Ground Motions” 2011/3 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE), Tokyo, Japan
31 Nam TT, Kasai K. “Analytical Simulation of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building Experi-mented to Collapse by Strong Ground Motions” 2010/12 Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Conference on Earth­quake Engineering (3ACEE), Bangkok. Thailand
32 Parisara T, Nam TTKasai K. “Fiber Approach in Analyzing Cantilever Column Behavior under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings” 2010/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2010), Toyama, Japan
33 Nam TT, Kasai K, Parisara T. “Dynamic Collapse Analysis of a Full-Scale Multistory Steel Building Subjected to Strong Ground Motions” 2010/9 Summaries of Technical Papers of Architectural Institute of Japan’s Annual Convention (AIJ 2010), Toyama, Japan
(cập nhật Tháng 6/2023)

Các tin khác
DANH SÁCH NHÂN SỰ KHOA XÂY DỰNG Đội ngũ CB-GV-NV Khoa Xây dựng (cập nhật tháng 9/2024)
GS.TS. NGUYỄN TRUNG KIÊN Phó Hiệu trưởng kiêm Trưởng Khoa Xây dựng - Email: ntkien@hutech.edu.vn
GS.TS. LÊ VĂN CẢNH Phó Hiệu trưởng - Giảng viên Khoa Xây dựng - Email: lvcanh@hutech.edu.vn
GS.TS. NGUYỄN XUÂN HÙNG Viện trưởng Viện CIRTech - Giảng viên Khoa Xây dựng - Email: ngx.hung@hutech.edu.vn
TS. PHÙNG VĂN PHÚC Giảng viên - Email: pv.phuc86@hutech.edu.vn
TS. KHỔNG TRỌNG TOÀN Giảng viên - Email: kt.toan@hutech.edu.vn