VJIT students training on CVs writing and interviewing in Japanese

On July 15th, the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Technology (VJIT) - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) organized the Seminar "Training on CV writing and interviewing" with the aim of helping students enhance application and interview skills with Japanese businesses. 
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The seminar brought practical knowledge to students
The seminar aimed to prepare students for the upcoming VJIT JOB FAIR 2024. Attending the seminar were Mr.  Pham Huynh Anh Viet - Vice Director of VJIT, and Lecturers of the Japanese Language Center.

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The representatives of VJIT
At the seminar, Mr.  Pham Huynh Anh Viet had shared CV writing skills with the students. Mr. Pham vividly analyzed the common types of CVs, the role and structure of a standard CV.
He emphasized that students should clearly state their skills, activities, and achievements while studying at the university to stand out with the recruiters.
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Students were directly instructed by the speaker to write a "Japanese standard" CV at the seminar
Moreover, the students had the opportunity to practice face-to-face interviewing under the guidance of Mr. Pham Huynh Anh Viet Through this hands-on activity, VJIT students obtained direct feedback on their CVs, while honing their interview skills and bolstering their confidence.

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Students practiced face-to-face interviews in Japanese at the seminar
Hopefully, the “CV writing and interviewing training” seminar would help VJIT students gain more confidence to conquer recruiters at the upcoming VJIT JOB FAIR 2024.

News: Anh Thư
Images: Quốc Đạt
Media and PR Center
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